浦东招商臻境官方网站 | 官方售楼处发布:洋房美宅抢先预约!|开发商|舒缓雅居新篇章
发布日期:2025-01-04 14:33    点击次数:98
【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』1地段轨交出行,直线距离约2.8km,11号线三林站;直线距离约3.3km,8号线芦恒路站;直线距离约3.4km,18号线周浦站,满足多方向换乘通勤【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!。自驾出行,尽享外环/中环/南北高架,直线距离前滩约5KM;直线距离徐家汇约14KM;直线距离陆家嘴约15KM,三大城市动脉【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,形成都心超级通达区。商业方面,便捷执掌三林,新达汇、中房金谊广场、东方懿德城、上海中欧街,浸润主城静逸烟火;近距离即达摩登前滩,尽享太古里、品耀前滩、太古汇(在建中),信德文化中心(在建中)等奢潮生活圈。配套学校:0901-08-04小学和0901-09-05幼儿园,目前已取得概算批复,正在进行施工监理招投标,计划2023年年内开工【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!教育方面,项目周边有规划一所幼儿园、一所小学和一所初中;其中规划的小学和幼儿园计划年内开工,2024年建成【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!可以基本确定未来是对口的,但至于是什么学校,就要开盲盒了(期房不承诺学区对口,仅供参考)!生态:三林滨江规划打造生态绿地约240公顷,项目周边规划T型绿地公园,谧境生活自然相伴。近距离前滩友城公园【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!、休闲公园、体育公园,打造家门口的自然休闲生活场2产品2023年10月11日,招商蛇口竞得浦东新区三林环外区域PDP0-0901单元0901-07-04、0901-08-03、0901-09-02地块【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!(定名:招商·臻境),楼板价39303元/㎡,溢价率10%,房地联动价70000元/㎡!招商臻境,2024招商「臻」系首发之作,从“被精心设计过的都市新贵生活”lifeDeco生活主张出发,对上海骨子里的精致优雅【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,进行一次国际化的创新表达,满足都市新贵生活需求。招商臻境立面通过曲线微弧、【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!丰富层次以及高级的质感,交织融合彰显上海格调。招商臻境循迹上海洋楼花园的种植方式,借由现代艺术化的语境构筑园内空间,将海派人文与静奢式酒店日常融入社区景观,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!以“海派腔调,静奢生活”的设计理念,打造“七维、六巷”的景观分布形制,演绎静奢式园林生活方式。招商·臻境位于上南路与东明路交叉口西侧,共计由3幅住宅用地组成,用地面积约8.54万方,总建筑面积约30.91万方【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,容积率约2.2,打造13栋23-26层建面约89-135㎡高层、16栋5-6层建面约145-148㎡叠拼,多元化产品及生活范式,为三林臻启都市新生活。约1500㎡life-Club泳池会所,将生活需求与度假融合,勾画酒店式泳池、健身天地、休闲休憩空间、私宴会客厅、下沉庭院等多元场景,演绎一幕幕高阶日常,为城市新贵精英带来最纯粹的生活体验。【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!酒店式泳池:四季阅享的畅游空间,享受深度的精神放松悦动健身房:大落地窗环幕设计,生命在运动中绽放层峰会客室:共享会客,配置水吧,家以外的第二客厅四大主题架空层:多元业态,营造全龄化共享空间高层产品户型图如下:叠墅产品户型图如下:样板间图片招商臻境示范区美图抢先看「招商臻境」一房一价表【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!5. 整体采用了海派的装修风格,例如更耗时更费钱的带弧度的半圆形吊顶!以及当大部分项目还在用长虹玻璃时,【招商臻境】在厨房的三轨道移门处使用了水波纹玻璃,更具奢华感!这样的细节上次还是在看3000万级别的豪宅时才看到!再感叹和强调一次!同价位段中,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!【招商臻境】的装标卷到了真正的豪宅级别!配备了酒店式泳池、大落地窗的健身房以及下沉庭院等功能区间,从地下就可以直接进去!还有VIP式的礼宾台!这样的配套和服务,实在是用力到了极致!项目信息开盘前去踩盘给朋友发的微信,这个项目的品质实在是太打动我了!花低总价的钱,买高总价的品质【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,这对于购房者来说不是机会,而是重大机遇了!招商臻境本次首推建面约89-103-135㎡三房高层,以及建面约145-148㎡叠拼产品!其中高层产品全精装交付,并且交付标准可以用“越级领先“来形容!例如:1. 松下/日立/东芝或同等品牌的空调地暖两联供,以及百朗或同等品牌的新风系统,这样的“天团配置”在同级别项目中几乎很难看到!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!2.卫生间采用了唯宝的台盆+次卫马桶,高仪的花洒五金件,品质直逼市区豪宅!3. 厨房三件套全部采用了西门子品牌系列,还配备了名族的凉霸,以及能率的燃气热水器!注重了品牌、品质的同时还充分考虑到了使用的细节感受!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!4.厨房所有墙面都采用了大面积岩板,全屋大面积墙纸交付,且无论是岩板还是墙纸都极具纹理细节,提升了全屋的质感!而豪宅品质,自然是不能光体现在装修标准上!其中之一便是项目自带的约1500㎡的泳池会所!要知道,带泳池的高端会所,在上海这座城市里,一般来说是豪宅的标配!而总价仅500万级起的【招商臻境】为业主配备了【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!一个可以称之为高端、华贵、私密、惬意的Life-Club泳池会所!总面积达到了约1500㎡!就这么说吧,在总价1500万以下的项目中,几乎很难看到!同时,项目在社区的生活场景打造方面也是不遗余力!酒店式门廊作为归家的第一道风景,招商臻境以空间大尺度与高级奢石的材质使用将尊崇的归家礼遇感拉满。近50米宽,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!高度约5.3米高,开口约11米长的高规格酒店式大门。选用了贝金米黄石材作为墙面主材,墙裙用印度蓝石材做装饰。两侧甄选了两颗名贵的罗汉松,有着恭迎归家的美好寓意。【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!步入门廊,营造经典酒店式环岛落客空间,环岛中央以上海市花——玉兰花为原型做了雕塑艺术水景,提升整个主入口的人文感与艺术气息。景观营造方面,招商臻境也可以称得上独具匠心,酒店式门廊、六巷归家景观轴、摩登水院等串联构建的“七维六巷”海派园林,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!交相辉映。以点线结合的方式营造静奢风景观空间。景观作为社区的情感纽带,招商臻境特别打造中心水景会客厅,与风雨连廊半围合,形成立体化中央水景,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!作为绿岛水岸,描摹都市室外客厅的景象。设有专属于业主的廊下休闲空间,搭配耐久室外家具,在此欣赏水景,畅聊趣事。【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!住宅楼宇下设置了多个主题架空层,设置了丰富的业态!业主可以在此相聚社交,商务会谈!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!追光式奢石品质地库车行入口的高级仪式招商臻境,车行入口同样花了心思进行雕琢。相比较市场普通的墙面漆,整个入库车道采用了难得一见的全铝板吊顶与通铺,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!配合追光式的灯带设计,车辆缓缓驶入,铝板的高级质感与柔和追光的仪式感一点点打开。除了铝板车库同步采用高级奢石进行装饰【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!,正对车行入口的那一块石材,来自于18000公里之外的南美——玻利维亚,也叫它玻利维亚蓝奢石。招商臻境地上入户大堂,源自国际奢华酒店大堂灵感,外部采用全画幅落地玻璃,同时也加入了金属弧线装饰设计,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!在通透感上又增加经典与时尚的设计感。顶部仿古铜纹铝板吊顶,营造出精致的海派装饰氛围。[Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" 1 lotTrack delivery line, linear distance of about 2.8km, Line 11 Sanlin station; The linear distance is about 3.3km, Line 8 Luheng Road station; The linear distance is about 3.4km, Line 18 Zhoupu Station, to meet the multi-direction transfer commute [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house early to book! .Self-drive, enjoy the outer ring/Central/North and South viaduct, about 5KM from the front beach in a straight line; The linear distance from Xujiahui is about 14KM; About 15KM from Lujiazui in a straight line, the three major city arteries [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! Form a super access area in the heart.In terms of business, it is convenient to take charge of Sanlin, Xinda Hui, Zhongfang Jinyi Square, Oriental Yide City, Shanghai Central Europe Street, infiltrating the main city Jingyi fireworks; Within a short distance to the Modern Foreshore, enjoy the luxury life circle such as Taikoo Li, Pin Yiu Foreshore, Taikoo Hui (under construction), Shun Tak Cultural Centre (under construction).Supporting school: 0901-08-04 primary school and 0901-09-05 kindergarten, has obtained the budget estimate approval, is conducting construction supervision bidding, plan to start in 2023 years [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house reservation!In terms of education, a kindergarten, a primary school and a junior high school are planned around the project. Among them, the planned primary school and kindergarten plan to start within the year and be completed in 2024. [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline). It can be basically determined that the future is matched, but as for what school, it is necessary to open a blind box (the future house does not promise the school district is matched, for reference only)!Ecology: Sanlin Riverside plans to create about 240 hectares of ecological green space, and T-shaped green park is planned around the project, accompanied by natural life. Close to the front beach Youcheng Park [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house early to book! Leisure park, sports park, to create a natural leisure life field at the door2 ProductsOn October 11, 2023, China Merchants Shekou won the PDP0-0901 Unit 0901-07-04, 0901-08-03, 0901-09-02 plot in Sanlin Ring outside Pudong New Area [Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing] Official Sales Office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24 hours hotline) Bungalow beauty house reservation! (Named: China Merchants · Zhen Jing), floor price 39303 yuan /㎡, premium rate 10%, real estate linkage price 70,000 yuan /㎡!China Merchants Zhen Zhen, 2024 China Merchants "Zhen Zhen" is the first work of the department, starting from the "carefully designed urban new rich life" lifeDeco life proposal, for the exquisite elegance of Shanghai's bones [Pudong Merchants Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei House reservation! To carry out an international innovative expression to meet the needs of urban new rich life.Through the curve micro arc, 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Zhen 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! Rich level and advanced texture, interwoven fusion highlights Shanghai style.Following the planting method of Shanghai Yangru Garden, China Merchants Zhen Zhen builds the space of the garden through the modern artistic context, and integrates the Shanghai humanistic and quiet luxury hotel into the community landscape every day. [Pudong Merchants Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer's 24-hour hotline) Yangfang Mei Mansion reservation! With the design concept of "Shanghai style tone, quiet luxury life", the landscape distribution shape of "seven dimensions and six lanes" is created to interpret the quiet luxury garden lifestyle.Merchants · Zhenjing is located on the west side of the intersection of Shangnan Road and Dongming Road, with a total of 3 residential lots, with a land area of about 85,400 square meters, and a total construction area of about 309,100 square meters [Pudong Merchants Zhenjing] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline). The plot ratio is about 2.2, creating 13 buildings with 23-26 floors of about 89-135 square meters, 16 buildings with 5-6 floors of about 145-148 square meters of overlapping, diversified products and living patterns, for Sanlin Zhen urban new life.About 1500 square meters Life-club swimming pool Club, the needs of life and vacation integration, delineating hotel-style swimming pool, fitness world, leisure space, private banquet living room, sunken courtyard and other multiple scenes, deduce a high-level daily scene, for the city's new rich elite to bring the purest life experience. [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Hotel swimming pool: Enjoy the swimming space for all seasons and enjoy deep spiritual relaxationJoy movement gym: Large floor-to-ceiling window curtain design, life bloom in the movementFloor Summit Room: Shared meeting room, equipped with water bar, second living room outside the homeFour main themes: multiple formats to create a full-age shared spaceThe high-rise product layout is as follows:The product layout of the villa is as follows:Picture of model roomInvestment Zhenjing demonstration zone Meitu first look"Merchants Zhen Jing" one room one price table [Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) the first to book a house!5. The overall use of Shanghai style of decoration, such as more time-consuming and expensive semicircular ceiling with curvature! And when most of the projects are still using long rainbow glass, [Investment Wonderland] in the kitchen three-track sliding door used water corrugated glass, more luxurious! The last time I saw such details was when I looked at a 30 million class mansion! Sigh and emphasize again! In the same price segment, 【 Pudong Investment Zhen Jing 】 official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment! 【 Investment Zhen Zhen 】 the packaging label volume to the real luxury level! Features include a hotel-style swimming pool, a gym with large floor-to-ceiling Windows, and a sunken courtyard that can be accessed directly from the ground up! And a VIP concierge desk! This kind of supporting and service is really hard to the extreme!Project informationBefore the opening of the market to step on the plate to friends sent wechat, the quality of this project is really too moved me!Spend the low total price of money, buy the high total price of quality [Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) the United States house to make an appointment! This is not an opportunity for home buyers, but a major opportunity!The first promotion of the construction surface of about 89-103-135 square meters of three-room high-rise, and the construction surface of about 145-148 square meters of overlapping products! Among them, the high-level products are delivered in full hardcover, and the delivery standard can be described as "leapfrog leading"!For example:1. Panasonic/Hitachi/Toshiba or equivalent brand of air conditioning floor heating dual supply, as well as Balan or equivalent brand of fresh air system, such "Tiantuan configuration" in the same level of projects is almost difficult to see! [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!2. The bathroom uses Weibao's basin + secondary toilet, and Gaoyi's shower hardware, the quality is forced into the urban mansion!3. The kitchen three-piece set is all made of Siemens brand series, and is also equipped with famous cool BA, as well as gas water heater with high energy rate! Pay attention to the brand, quality, but also fully consider the details of the use of feelings! [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!4. All the walls of the kitchen are made of large-area rock slabs, and large-area wallpaper is delivered in the whole house, and both the rock slabs and wallpaper are highly textured details, enhancing the texture of the whole house!The quality of luxury homes, naturally, can not be reflected in the decoration standards!One of them is the project with about 1500 square meters of swimming pool club!You know, a high-end club with a swimming pool, in the city of Shanghai, is generally the standard of luxury homes!And the total price of only 5 million level of [Merchants] for the owners equipped with [Pudong Merchants] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) the United States house to make an appointment! A can be called high-end, luxurious, private, comfortable Life-Club pool club! The total area is about 1500 square meters!Just say that, in the total price of less than 15 million projects, it is almost difficult to see!At the same time, the project also spared no effort in creating the living scene of the community!The hotel-style porch is the first view of home, and the use of large-scale space and high-grade luxury stone material will bring the respected sense of home courtesy. Nearly 50 meters wide, 【 Pudong Investment Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) the first to book a house! The height is about 5.3 meters high and the opening is about 11 meters long. Bekin beige stone was selected as the main material for the wall, and Indian blue stone was used for the decoration of the wall skirt. On both sides of the selection of two precious podocarpus, there is a good meaning of welcoming home. [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!Step into the porch to create a classic hotel-style drop-off space around the island. In the center of the island, a sculptural water feature based on magnolia, the city flower of Shanghai, is made to enhance the humanistic sense and artistic atmosphere of the entire main entrance.Landscape construction, investment can also be called unique, hotel-style porch, six lane home landscape axis, modern water courtyard and other series construction of the "seven dimensions six lane" Shanghai garden, [Pudong Investment Wonderland] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house reservation! Add radiance to each other. Create a quiet luxury landscape space by combining points and lines.Landscape as the emotional link of the community, China Merchants special to create a central waterscape living room, and wind and rain corridor half enclosed, forming a three-dimensional central waterscape, [Pudong Merchants Wonderland] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house reservation! As a green island waterfront, depicts the scene of the urban outdoor living room. There is an exclusive lounge space under the owner's porch, complete with durable outdoor furniture, where you can enjoy the water view and chat about fun. [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!A number of theme elevated floors are set up under the residential building, setting up a rich format! Owners can meet here for social networking and business talks![Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!A high-level ceremony at the entrance to the basement car shop with the luxury stone qualityInvestment, the entrance of the car also spent a lot of thought to carve. Compared with the ordinary wall paint in the market, the entire storage driveway uses the rare aluminum plate ceiling and paving, [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Bungalow beauty house reservation! With the light tracing design, the vehicle slowly enters, and the high-grade texture of the aluminum plate and the soft ritual sense of light tracing are gradually opened.In addition to the aluminum garage synchronous use of high-grade luxury stone decoration [Pudong Investment Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house early booking! The stone that is directly opposite the entrance of the car shop comes from South America 18,000 kilometers away - Bolivia, also called Bolivian blue luxury stone.The ground entrance lobby, from the international luxury hotel lobby inspiration, the external use of full-frame floor-to-ceiling glass, but also joined the metal arc decoration design, 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Zhen 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) house beauty house early booking! In the sense of transparency and increase the classic and fashionable design sense. The top of the antique copper pattern aluminum plate ceiling, creating a refined Shanghai decorative atmosphere. [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Yangfang Mei house to make an appointment!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)洋房美宅抢先预约!


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